Storage Word Analyzer

The Most Important Tool Investors Use Today to Start a Self Storage Business

Sometimes you just have to take action…

Years ago, I was trying to get back into the self storage business after my first attempt. I was scared.

I felt like I had just one more chance and I had to get it right.

That completely froze me up. I was too careful and didn’t want to make a false step.

Finally, I realized that I had to just take action. I'm glad I did because nothing I've done in my life has had as much positive impact on myself and my family as being in the self strage business.

I now know you need three things to be successful in self-storage:

1. A plan.

A plan for how to find the right facilities to start or grow your business. Then a plan on how to manage and grow your business once you're up and running.

2. A way to analyze self storage in detail.

Self storage is a unique real estate asset and very few programs are designed for self storage analysis.

3. Action.

Action is the real measure of intelligence.” – Napoleon Hill

Over the years as we've purchased existing properties and waited to start making money on new facilities under construction, we've discovered that expansions and value-add properties are the best way to go. Especially for people at are just starting in the business.

In the current over-priced, seller's market, the ability to look at an opportunity and accurately project how well it will perform is the most important part of the process.

The real key here is that most peope are missing is not a plan or the ability to take action… It’s #2.

That is where the Storage World Analyzer comes in. It is the most powerful tool out there now for smaller investors like ourselves to analyze a project and know how well its likely to perform and what to pay. 

The Storage World Analyzer can help you analyze any type of project. You can run projections on:

  • Existing Facilities
  • Raw Land with new construction
  • Existing facilities you are going to expand
  • Conversions (existing buildings you are going to repurpose the use as self storage)


These are just a few of the reports you can run after just minutes of data input:

I have made The Analyzer available to you because I want to level the field between the big buyers and the smaller buyers like us. 

So, let me ask you a question… If I asked you what a program like this would be worth to you, what would you say?

How much would it be worth if you could confidently analyze the deals and opportunities in front of you? How much would it be worth to you to be in a position of power as you negotiate, knowing exactly what you can and can’t pay to achieve your desired returns?

We’re talking about many thousands of dollars!

The program is available for a limited time for only ... $699.  

If you get one small advantage in a negotation from this program then the Analyzer is well worth the investment. 

But the cool thing is you get unlimited access with no time constraints at all.

There are no recurring fees for those that jump in now (a monthly membership will be added for new buyers after th launch).

There are no limits on how many reports you can run.

It’s unlimited forever… But only if you take action now. If you want to start a self storage business or grow your self storage business, I cannot think of a more powerful tool to have than this.

It is called “The #1 Financial Analysis Tool in Self-Storage” for a reason! I cannot tell you how excited I am to share it with you. I sincerely look forward to your self-storage growth with this program.

Take action,

Mark Helm