
The Self Storage QuickStart Inner Circle


Facilitated by Mark Helm.

You will immediately have access to all the benefits below.

It only costs $300 per month & you can exit at any time by merely canceling your subscription.

One of the most valuable supports I have seen over the years has been the group calls where people from all over the country learn, grow and support each other as they implement the strategies and actions necessary to be successful in this fantastic business of self-storage.

Let's put some rocket fuel in growing your self storage business.

Enroll now in the Inner Circle or schedule a call with Mark Helm to see if the Inner Circle is right for you.




No one really understands your storage journey, except for someone else on the same storage journey.

If there was only a place where you could connect with training, support, and the ability to intereact with other people on the same storage journey.

There is! The Inner Circle.

You Will Have Access To It All:

Live Training Sessions:

There will be live training calls every two weeks where you will receive training, ask and get questions answered, and connect with other storage people across the country and see what they are dealing with and how they handled it.

In my experience, it is a powerful way to create relationships and get ongoing support that makes a difference as you grow your self-storage business. I have even seen partnerships, as well as friendships, forged in these sessions.

The QuickStart Academy Library:

Not only will all the live training sessions be housed in the library, but you will also have access to forms, workbooks, other training, case studies, and videos organized by topics.

This will be the first place you go to get the resources you may need for the next step in your storage journey.

The library will be growing each and every month of the Inner Circle.


I have had these live group training meetings and calls on a small scale over the years, and almost to a person, the participants say these calls were the most beneficial portion of the training I have provided so far.

You will connect with like-minded people with positive and growth-oriented mindsets. It can be contagious being around abundance-minded people and will speed up your transition into the independent lifestyle self-storage offer.

Book Club:

Yes, we may even have a book club where we, as a community, read and discuss a book a month or so.

Not all of them will be self-storage, or even real estate books. Part of having a growth-oriented mindset involves expanding how you see the world, your business, and what is possible for you. 

As a community, focusing on different types of books and authors is a perfect landscape for the training and coaching Mark provides, and the community provides each other.

Storage World Analyzer:

If you are not already using the Storage World Analyzer, the only cloud-based financial analysis software designed specifically for the self storage industry, you will have access to it as part of the subscription.

During your membership of the Inner Circle community, you will have full access to the Storage World Analyzer.

For those members who have already purchased and used the Analyzer, you will continue to have full access to it, even after you are no longer a member of the Inner Circle.  

Yes I Want To Be In The Inner Circle

Don't Let Fear Stop You!

Your participation is a monthly fee that can be canceled at anytime.

If you have read this far, odds are the Inner Circle is just what you need at this moment to support you in going to the next level in your personal and professional development as you get in or grow your self storage business.

Live Training

Every Two Weeks

Expanding Your Vision

Not only for what is possible for you in self storage, but in your overall life.


You are in a community of like minded self storage people across the country.


A full range of forms, workbooks, training, videos and more.

The Self-Storage QuickStart Inner Circle

Where: Online Virtual Training Platform

Cost: Only $300 per month.

VALUE: Perhaps Millions. You Can Create Real Financial Freedom & The Lifestyle Of A Business Owner In This Fantastic Business Of Self Storage.

DisclaimerThe Quick Start Academy and the Quickstart Inner Circle (herein referred to as “us,” “we,” or “the training”) and Mark Helm are not a licensed broker, broker-dealer, market maker, investment banker, investment advisor, analyst or underwriter. All information provided at Creating Wealth Through Self-Storage & The QuickStart Academy are for informational purposes only, and may not be suitable for your financial needs or goals. We do not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information provided. We do not make any warranty, expressed or implied, or assume any legal liability for the completeness, accuracy, or usefulness of any information provided. This information is provided as-is, is general in nature, and is not meant to be a substitute for qualified financial, tax, investing, or legal advice. Use is at your own risk. Please carry out more research or consult a qualified financial advisor to assist you. In no event will Mark Helm, The Quick Start Academy, Creating Wealth Through Self-Storage or related entities be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damage or any other damages whatsoever arising out of or in connection with the use of any information shared or provided. For any specific tax, financial, investing, or legal advice, please see a licensed professional before taking action. As with all training and events Mark Helm offers, you are responsible for your own success or failure.

What People Are Saying About

Mark Helm's Training

I wanted to thank you for the guidance and knowledge you gave us over the past year or so. Tonight we closed on a 100,000 sq. ft., three-story Class A facility development… a $10-million-dollar deal! Couldn't have done it without you. Thank you, Mark! 

Mark M. 

 I was thrilled when Mark agreed to be my coach.  He has gotten us thru one conversion/expansion, and we are starting a second.  I cannot overstate the value and peace of mind that Mark has brought us.  From site selection and feasibility and negotiation to design, execution, and even marketing, he has saved us an incredible amount of time and money.  Over the past couple years, I have come to trust him deeply.

Shaw M. 

Thanks, Mark. I am very thankful for you because without you, I would not be building our first facility right now.  

Michael N.

Thanks for the note and the expression of thanks. Our group has grown due to your helpful information over the past year or so, and we are grateful for your dedication to the small investors in the self storage space. 

Dan G.

I just wanted to drop you a note to compliment you on the latest version of the Storage World Analyzer… I really like the format, speed, and easy ability to customize the data input. Best product on the market! Well done! 

Jim H. 

Are you in?

Yes, I Want To Be In The Inner Circle